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November 2015

What's really behind those weird interview questions?

Meet the interviewer's oddest questions with answers that illustrate your creativity Google+ (2) and problem-solving skills, advises Lisa Quast. Such questions aren't meant to solicit perfect answers, but to give the hiring manager insight into how your mind works

Read the full article here.

How a poor networking approach is sabotaging your efforts

A networking approach that's self-centered, focused on transactions over Google+ (2) relationships and indicative of a quantity-over-quality philosophy isn't going to succeed, writes Ivan Misner. By investing in your relationships and making sure you have something to offer to others, you'll be more likely to benefit from networking in the long run.

Read full article here.

Overcome your reluctance to talk about yourself

Whether you're interviewing for a position or networking, you have to be Google+ (2) comfortable talking about yourself, writes Katie Douthwaite Wolf. By driving the discussion to topics you're passionate about, practicing common interview anecdotes with friends and family and describing yourself from others' perspectives, you can get over your fear of sounding self-centered, she writes.

Read full article here.