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March 2015

Headhunter explains how to avoid career mistakes

Google+ (2)Maintaining an overly long resume, sleeping in and downplaying previous career mistakes in interviews are common mistakes made by professionals, according to recruiter Mark Jaffe. Instead of trying to sell yourself during interviews, pretend that you're a hired consultant having a conversation with a client, he suggests.

Read entire article here.

FindJobsQuickly - #jobsearch Quick Tip 23

Google+ (2)Three basic employer expectations are 1) Appearance:  Do you look like the type of person who will do well in the job?  2) Dependability:  Can you be counted on to get the job done?  3) Credentials:  Do you have the job-related skills, experience and training?

Don't be afraid to share personal details in interviews

Google+ (2)While showing interest in a company is important, you should also provide interviewers with a glimpse of who you are as a person, Eva Gordon writes. For instance, discuss a few activities that you enjoy outside of work, such as any volunteering you do

Read complete article here.

FindJobsQuickly - #jobsearch Quick Tip 22

Important skills business owners say they want in a new employee include:  1) Learning to learn, 2) Basic academic skills in reading, writing and computation, 3) Good communication skills including listening and speaking, 4) Creative thinking and problem solving, 5) Self-esteem, motivation, and goal setting, 6) Personal and career development skills, 7) Interpersonal/negotiation skills and teamwork, 8) Organizational effectiveness and leadership. Google+ (2)

Make a lasting impression with your professional bio

Google+ (2)Create bios of varying lengths -- including a long one, a short one and a two-liner -- to display across your various online profiles, Meredith Fineman writes. Each bio should include a solid call to action as opposed to looking like a list of accomplishments.

Read complete article here.


FindJobsQuickly - #jobsearch Quick Tip 21

Google+ (2)The top skills employers want:  1) Dependability, 2) Honesty, 3) Competence, 4) Good attitude.


Why lunch interviews should be avoided at all costs

Google+ (2)Lunch meetings are fine when they involve colleagues, but they should be avoided for job interviews, Donna Svei writes. Interviewers typically don't get all the information they're looking for, and potential hires don't get to eat their meals.

Read complete article here.


How to develop a healthy appetite for risk

Google+ (2)Overcome the fear of taking risks by developing a personal road map for where you want to be in five years, capitalizing on opportunities to take small chances and finding a mentor, writes Meg Duffy, citing the book "The Confidence Gap." "If the opportunity intrigues you, don’t count yourself out of the game before you get involved," she writes

Read complete article here.


FindJobsQuickly - #jobsearch Quick Tip 20

Google+ (2)Three types of skills, making up the skills triad, are adaptive skills/personality skills, transferable skills, and job-related skills.


Strategies for students trying to land a summer internship

Google+ (2)Students should be using their college career offices now to hunt for a summer internship, writes Michelle Perry Higgins, a financial planner at California Financial Advisors. Take time to build a relationship with a career counselor, talk with professors who may know of other opportunities and network with friends and family, she suggests in this blog post.

Read complete article here.